Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday stuff and Matthew

Finally worked on tax stuff today. Every weekend that I had planned to, was filled with something else. Couldn’t put it off any longer. I haven’t posted anything on here for quite a while. I journaled during vacation and after, but felt the need to vent a few things so chose to post on my private blog. All in all vacation was lovely and it really was because of Matthew. I think having him with us made every thing new and fun. Tonight John and I watched a few eps of the Tudors and I have been organizing some pics on Facebook. I’m also trying to title all the video I took of Matthew, to eventually post online as well. I haven’t asked Tracie if it’s ok to post anything with him, but I’ve asked John to double check things, because he’s so much more conservative than I am about these things. I’m less and less interested in TV and have more fun replaying Matthew videos. John and I have had adoption talks again. It’s just talk, maybe to get it out of our system. I keep giving us the reality checks. When I remind him of puke and diarrhea, and being the taxi service when kids get older, we both feel pretty good about our lives. We both still feel a little sad tho, that we haven’t had our own. I think we can be a big part of Matthew’s life. I just struggle with how much. I don’t want to offend Bernard and Tracie, with how much we want to be involved. I convinced them to get a web cam with their new computer. I haven’t tried SKYPE yet, but am hoping that we’ll both easily be able to set it up, and can have more communication with “the boy”(our affectionate term for him) since they are 2 hours away and it is not very realistic for us to see him more than every 6 weeks or so. Maybe more often this summer. Planning on them being here for Easter. I'm anxious to create his basket. Plan on doing some shopping this weekend for a baby gate. Our home isn't very baby friendly right now.